Monday, July 14, 2014

One Down

Just finished a gift for the holidays ! !

One of only a very few.

Merino wool, Mulberry Silk and Tencel.

Lovely, soft, with a wonderful drape to it.

All 849 yards of it.

Happy to get off the needles.


RAIN, boy, oh, boy, did we have rain.

We were out driving in it.

Lots of water on the streets.

And, the windshield IS clean now.

Temp is down in the 70's, about to in the 50's overnite.




Saturday, July 12, 2014

Quilt Guild Sponsored Paper-piecing Class

We all assembled promptly at nine a.m. this morning.

Lots of room to spread out.

Our goal was to complete four blocks by end of class.

Deb and Bev discussing the fun of paper-piecing.

(Deb and I have a blast taking classes together.)

Checking the placement of the next piece.

My four complete blocks


By the stroke of high noon.

Okay, it might have be just o a few

Minutes after the last stoke.

Not certain how I'll finish this

Classroom project

By Quilt Guild Tuesday evening.


How is this summer treating ya?

Yesterday's high of 91°F

Wasn't bad at all.

But today's 91°F

Sure enough heated the car up

To the extreme by the time class ended at noon-ish.

Must remember to crack a couple of windows while I'm parked next time.


Must put on my creative cap

For a finish to my paper-piecing

'til next time




Friday, July 11, 2014

Summer Afternoon

How better to spend a

Summer Afternoon !!
